Locate GY6 Engine Code

Engine Code: "BN157QMJ" 150cc stock, GY6 (A-Block) 54mm stud spacing longcase 20"
Locate and Decipher GY6’s Engine Code
Where do we locate GY6's engine code and how do we decipher what each character means?
GY6’s engine code is located on the lower side of CVT, just beside the oil drain bolt. The first set of numbers above is the scooter engine code. The secondary number below is the engine's unique identification numbers (engine registration numbers).
Example Engine Code (above) is “BN157QMJ”
The first two letters are the manufacture acronym for its’ make or model, "BN" means the Chinese scooter model "ZNEN" manufactured by Zhongneng Industry Group. The three digits and three letters set that follows is the important engine code that will cover here, and how to decipher these six-character codes.
The first code digit: “1”
Corresponds to the number of cylinders. All GY6 engines are single-cylinder with a single-piston, so this number will always be uno—one.
NOTE: If you have the letter “P” after example “1P”, stands for (P)air valve horizontal engine. The P series engine has a taller cylinder head and a shallow recess cam seating that gives it slightly more performance than non-P GY6’s engine code. However, if both cylinder and cylinder head is swapped out it will be identical to the non-P GY6 139QMB engine. So, parts are interchangeable as long as both are replaced cylinder and cylinder head from 1P and non-P. But why? Because their so many upgrades available for non-P type engines include performance camshaft, etc.
The second and third code digits: “57”
This shows the one-cylinder piston size in millimeters, for example, if the engine code is "..157QMJ", the piston size is 57mm. And, vary by manufacture slightly by 0.2mm, its cylinder sleeve (skirt) could be 60.2mm which allows it to slip into a 157QMJ engine's crankcase bore opening 63mm. You can see there is room for a bigger cylinder skirt thus's piston size upgrade for the 157QMJ engine. Which is covered in blog share "GY6 Engine [Big Bore Kit]."
Another example: if it was a 139QMB the "39" would mean that it has a 39mm piston with a cylinder outer skirt of 44.78mm, which may vary by manufacturer slightly off by 0.2mm, allowing it to slip into the 139QMB engine's crankcase bore opening 52.5mm max. So you can see their room for a bigger cylinder upgrade for the 139QMB engine as well, cover in blog share "About 139QMB 139QMB 49cc."
The fourth code letter: “Q”
Simply means it’s a forced-air-cooled engine. "Q" means is not a liquid-cooled but a forced-air-cooled engine.
The fifth and sixth code letters: “MJ”
Stand for Michael Jordan… just kidding. The “M” means the engine type is a motorcycle (motor-cycle relates to scooters\atv\buggies as well). The sixth letter thereafter is code for engine displacement size measure in "cc" (cubic centimeter). See the table below. Notice as each alphabetical order B-to-Y so is the engine displacement CC increases incrementally 10cc, 15cc, 25cc, 50cc, and 100cc.
Engine Manufacturer will engrave more characters, added acronym (code) in front as we see in the first picture but also in the back of the engine code line for their added specific GY6 variant makes/models' acronym like the example below.
Engine Code: “VE157FM2A”
- VE = Vento Scooter
- 157 = Uno-Cylinder 57mm
- F = Natural Air-Cooled
- M = Motorcycle Type
- 2A = 2nd Gen, Series A—just guessing?
That’s it. Now, you can read and decipher most of GY6's engine code out there. If you still have questions on GY6's engine codes leave a comment below and we as a community of scooter riders, two or three-wheel enthusiasts, or atv\buggies can reply to your comment here on our blog share. :) Check out the latest GY6 aftermarket performance parts and accessories, click the link here.
Here is how to determine your actual power displacement small engine is always measured in a cubic centimeter (cc) not horsepower like cars.
Here is what it would look like Naraku Cylinder 52.4mm w/Piston. Keep in mind the only thing that affects engine power increase top-end speed is just that the top-end changes the cylinder jug w/piston and its paired crankshaft stroker length. That it. The CVT/Transmission Kit can only help make engagement at the wheel faster but not add top-end miles per hour gain. With that said here is my calculation engine displacement power of what you could have gotten with Naraku 52.4mm BBK with standard crankshaft 41.4mm and with an extended crankshaft 44mm installed:
You can use the same "Engine Displacement Calculator" the links are below.
NEXT: If you have a question about a GY6 A-Block (54mm) vs GY6 B-Block (57mm) or the difference between. Learn more on blog share GY6 A-Block vs B-Block [232cc]
108 Comment(s)
I have a hammer head engine has an external oil cooler I’d like to figure out exactly which engine it is so I can build the right. The engine family is ATJPX 150GAL. I’m assuming it’s the gy6-a model but I’m not sure. If you could let me know. I have 3 other engines as well clearly marked. 2- p157qmj and 1- 15qmj.
my engine code is XS1P58QMK sym symphony st 200i carburetor .. 168.9cc .. but its not meeting my expectations ... honestly my old 57qmj performed muchhhh better
I have a go cart with bad right no compression. The motor number is BD1P390. I need to order new rings. Thanks what size is motor. I was told it’s 150cc. 38mm bore.
If it\'s 39 it\'s a 50cc not a 150cc
It could be up to a 90cc . Remove your piston and measure it
Ive seen a video on youtube that the p code gy6 50cc id actually a 64 cc engine.. it has a slightly larger bore tgan the non p code..
I have a scooter with XS1P37QMA-2 *21601194* Could someone please explain to me what I have
How does a person figure out which motor to order for a Menards ys 200 with a gy6 150cc motor it doesnt seem like anyone wants to own up to this fine piece of equipment. After getting a coil that worked off a Johnson boat motor, a solenoid off a ford pu it doesnt have enough compression to get 1200 rpms out of it. Is there a long block available for this beast..Menards knows nothing!
1p52qmi-B\r\npuedo poner un kit 61mm?¿
Si le cabe sin ninguna otra alteracion. Si te alcanza el dinero, compralo marca TAIDA. Si no te recomiendo NCY
Si le cabe sin ninguna otra alteracion. Si te alcanza el dinero, compralo marca TAIDA. Si no te recomiendo NCY
Si le cabe sin ninguna otra alteracion. Si te alcanza el dinero, compralo marca TAIDA. Si no te recomiendo NCY
2007 Roketa. Engine code is. JJ1P39QMB
I just bought a VIP challenger motor last night. Just checked the motor code an mine must be a Roketa as well. Cause we got matching codes. I was trying to see what the difference is cause my icebear rocket has a 80cc bore an not giving the response like it should. But it's a short case motor. The one I bought is a long case motor. Investing too much in items an kinda wonder if motors or long cases or longer drive belt an longer drive shaft would e better than a short case smaller driveshaft. Anyways. Any ideas or advise WOULD help. Greatly appreciated
JL1P57F I\'m looking for a replacement engine. Do you know where to get one.
Hi Freddie. I see you have the exact motor as I do. Did you ever figure anything out on it? Also was it by chance on a 150cc Helix go kart?
I have same motor, what do you know abou them? Is it a long case or short and why doesn’t this serial number show up any where
My engine code ends in qma I can\'t find that in any list can anyone tell me what size it is
Hi Bryan. I see you have a QMA engine also. I was wondering if you had found anything on it. I have a 2021 df 50 ssr motorcycle and I'm looking to get the correct performance parts the first time. I'm wanting to build it as powerfulas possible and maintain its reliability.
Looking for anything really on xs1pe39qma 2 stroke engine used in sym kymco etc cannot find anything on it apart from what I already know ¿????????
Brother, I’m on the same boat. Kymco, sym, lance. Very limited aftermarket or upgradable parts. A veteran mechanic suggested leaving what I had. Said it was top of the line. I didn’t listen. I should have because I’ve only caught up to the stock top speed after I replaced the cylinder and head with Taida parts. Michael at ncystore.com has everything u need. Trusted 100%. Beware of flashy advertised brands. Example : advertised as taida and u receive some amazon part
Hey, wondering if you could help me. I have a little Sundiro Chinese quad. I\'m trying to find out what kind of motor I have. It seems to be very similar to a gy6 engine. The oil fill cap is mounted to the valve cover. It also has a sight glass on the bottom left hand side cover to determine the oil level. I\'d assume the 4 wheeler is a mid to late 90s model. I can\'t identify the number stamped on the frame or the number stamped on the engine case. The case number is ae07100040. I can send some pictures as well. Appreciate any help. Thanks
Sundiro Honda Motorcycle Co., Ltd. is a located in China in Shanghai (Shanghai Municipality), m:manufactures motorcycles, scooters, underbone motorcycles cub bikes, 50cc scooters, moto under such brands as Honda, Sundiro, Honda Sundiro.\r\n\r\nDo a search by the vehicle model number. (example: Sundiro SDH50QT-43 happens to be a 50cc scooter)
You should also be able to look it up in an online VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) database. Vehicles manufactured in mainland China will start with an "L".
evr1253cx5c000040 is the only number that I can find stamped on the frame. It\'s on the front middle cross bar below the steering stem. Doesn\'t decode though. The motor doesnt have a code on the bottom side of the case like most. I\'m needing a top end, but for the life of me cant find any information about what I have.
Mr Chris. I was wondering if you found out anything on your atv. I have the same issue. the only number I've found is front crossbar, no engine code on the case. I've been able to find nothing on this thing.
I would like to know if anyone knows which engines are use for a 50cc df50sst I don’t know if it’s a long engine or short engine with somebody perhaps now
Hoping someone can help. I have a 150cc Helix go kart. I\'m having trouble finding parts for it along with not knowing for the motor. Serial number on gy6 motor is JL1P57F 07050124 ???
JL is the manufacturer 1= 1 cylinder P = 'performance' 57 is piston diameter in mm Bottom# is engine serial # The head on the P code is different. Nothing non P will work, ie cams, head, cyl. There are no cyl or head upgrades for P code. You will need to change the cyl and head to use any of the NON- P performance parts. You didn't say what parts you need. Most of the performance parts, header, carbs, intakes, aircleaner boxes, ect will work on your P code engine. You can use up to a 26mm Mikuni. 30 is too big. You want a higher Flowing aircleaner ie K&N A header and muffler Stock pipe and muffler are a 10% reduction in HP due to excessive restriction. BDXPERFORMANCE.COM $150 Jet carb up to I think 135 BDX sells 'stage' kits. That include everything, but header and muffler. Those upgrades and puttin 10gram weights in your variator and a yellow spring in your clutch. It will wake your scooter right up
Any one know anything about this engine code? EMS139QMB *03081202*
I have same motor to Justin
Engine code LM139QMB\r\nAny idea\r\nThanks
Yeah any one know how many cc and what kind of engine and/or bike this is???\r\nEngine #HF03E 200433
Yeah anyone know how many cc\'s and engine this might be? Engine # HF03E 200433. And what kind of moped it would go on. Thanks
Dude, it\'s so obvious that you have no idea what you\'re talking about. It doesn\'t matter how high or low the cam sits in the head. How is that going to advance or retard the timing? It\'s NOT going to! If you set the cam with the timing marks lined up and the crank at tdc then the timing will be correct. If you\'re retarded and get the timing off by one tooth then it will inevitably be just as you are... Retarded! In my case, it would be Advanced. Cam height has no bearing on cam timing. Btw, the chain tensioner will also make up for the minimal difference in chain tension. That\'s why it\'s called a "tensioner".
Hello I have a weird gy6 engine that I had purchased and it\'s a ATV. The engine is stamp with XF-147QMF . I was told the ATV was 90cc also did some homework and found out that is a short case because I only have 8bolts that hold the belt side case. I would like to know how big I can upgrade the piston and sleeve without change valve train.
I have the same engine on a quad. XF-147QMF the 47 in the code means it's a 47mm piston. I ordered a 47mm piston and ring kit and it's too small for the cylinder jug. Apparently a previous owner upgraded to a 50mm piston and cylinder jug.
I ordered a no name atv gy6 150cc but got a 161qml with a taotao manufacturer sticker. not upset at all but 161qml is hard to decode 61 is a little small for a ML 200cc code isn\'t it?
That's the same engine that come on my Tao Motor Bull 200 ATV.It has plenty of power..
My engine starts with XY157QMJ. Anyone know what the xy means?
The manufacter of the engine
my 150cc gy6 cracked in half now i need a new one. cant decipher TY081023 then *5157* any help would be much appreciated
Look for 1p63qml crankshaft..any ideas
My Taotao targa 200cc has identified on the engine as 161QML? Anyone else who knows or has info on it, please help. As I don\'t even know what parts to buy . I looked every place and only found out that it might be a B block?
I was told that mine was a (K-block) 61mm piston . Hope this helps
I have the same problem and the same exact number. I only learned that I might have a K series which is supposedly a European style???
I have a quad with \r\n HS1P57QMJ *07001127*\r\nSomeone with more drugs in their system than brains in there melon, messed with the wiring. It needs a while new harness. Any help.
I would look into any Kymco, Lance, Peugeot, and Sym Horizontal 150cc. Check Scooter Domain, Scooter Dynasty, Scooter Parts (in Oregon), Parts for Scooters (in Clw. Florida), and Racing Planet, but their delivery is extremely long.
Hello, I have a 2016 Genuine Rougghouse scooter, it\'s based of the PGO PMX \r\n\r\non the back of the engine by the fill valve for gear oil, it reads :\r\nP2\r\nH45523\r\n\r\nThen on that plate under the kickstand, that reads: \r\nP2 62400 0 00\r\nThere is a bunch of space between the last few zeroes.\r\n\r\nThank you!
I\'m doing my first drag scooter build and wanna keep it street as well what a good start I have a 150cc taotao
I\'m doing my first drag scooter build and wanna keep it street as well what a good start I have a 150cc taotao
I have a sym symphony sr125 2013 what other engines are compatible as it says Peugeot /sym on the bike manual any help would be appreciated
i have a Gy6 motor with an engine no LJ1P52QM18029259 This is a 125cc is it possible to big bore it to a 180cc ?
I need to know the cylinder stud distance for my gy6 ly1p52qmi
I need to know the cylinder stud distance for my gy6 ly1p52qmi
Hi got a new engine BN157QMJ long case but looking for exhaust. I have tried my old one but won’t fit and don’t understand why as it’s the same engine
Any idea who the manufacturer of an engine with first code letters "TK"?
I have a 139qmb scooter which is a 50cc and the motor mount is on the bottom of the case. Im trying to decipher the engine codes to get a 150cc short case that has the engine mount on the bottom (as opposed to the top tabs by the starter)
i am looking parts for my Go kart 150 CC engine.
What engine is this thankyou
Hi I have a new engine it’s a BN 157 QMJ but I’m having difficulty of finding an exhaust for this. Anyone know what exhaust fits this engine thanks
I have a Baja 50 cc dirt bike, engine # 1P39FMB can I use any Gy6 cylinder and head.
Got a top end kit for 150 but the timing chain bolt holes don't line up 157qmj what is stamped on case what did I order wrong it said for 150cc
Got a top end kit for 150 but the timing chain bolt holes don't line up 157qmj what is stamped on case what did I order wrong it said for 150cc
I am looking for parts for my Coleman Mini Bike!!!
I am looking for a part for Coleman Mini Bike!!!
Hello my question is a simple one or it should be... are there any differences in a gy6's final drive shaft from 125cc upto 150cc engines? both can be used as an atv engine but I dont want to order one if its the wrong engine to fit the rear diff on my adapted scooter. Been struggling with this dilemma for a while now and I just need to know if final drive shaft that the rear wheel goes onto is the same for all gy6 engines 125cc and up. Thanks in advance
I have a sym 125 XS1P52QMI 125cc.
I had It run with a 150 cc xylinder and pistón for a few months until the head could take It anymore.
I then purchased a 180 cc cylinder and pistón and i was hoping To find a 180 cc head To go with It.Unfortunatly as two montj have passed by no one is able To give me any advice on which head I could fit, every seller even from Aliexpress do not offer any advice.
Would be posible To fit a gy6 engine on this SYM symphony ?I appriciate any advice.
With Sym Horizontal (1P) engines you will only find cylinder and piston upgrades not the head. If you want to do a BBK like you're talking about make sure you go 152QMI for your cylinder, piston, and cylinder head. I believe SSP has a good setup for the price.
I read thi amazing blog. I will recommend you to visit VMC Chinese Parts, They provide best objective to get you the right parts. Chinese ATV wheels offer you the best products and parts of automobile. You can visit : https://www.vmcchineseparts.com/
I have a gy6 150cc I put new wires on the correct way and a new battery but the only thing that turns is the starter does anyone know what could be my problem?
LM-1089-N125 that’s on my motor can anyone help me identify this motot
mine is just 157QMJ, that's it. so that's a 150cc 57mm Michael Jordan ...jk, so how do know if its a A or B block?
can i use a 139qmb big bore kit on a 130qma
I have a go kart it is stamped on the right hand side gy6 up top then below that it says jlo909 23f which is nothing like the engine codes I’ve been seeing need to know size of engine for parts
Hello guys.. i got QS157QMJ engine (suzuki vecstar150 / an150).. is the same as others gy6? Want to upgrade some performance part like big bore with stroker kit with 4 valve head in it (like Taida/ncy/naraku).. The oem crankshaft different shape (axe shape like). Is it possible to change other type to other performance crankshaft or others performance kit? Can u guys recommend available kit out there? Please. Help me. A.s.a.p. Tq.
Can anyone tell me what displacement a GY6 “157FM”, it's on an old (2005’ish??) Twister Hammerhead I'm trying to bring back to life for my two boys before they get too big. I'm new to this and this page has prob been the most help for deciphering that engine code. Thanks!
I read this amazing blog about to fix ATV parts. If you are finding Taotao Go Kart Parts. visit here for more information and parts. https://www.vmcchineseparts.com/
I am looking to buy a new motor for my Keeway outlook 150cc Liquid cooled.
I want to put a GY6 150cc engine in my scooter. Will it fit. do you have some advice for me about this.
The only information I have found is the following:
Engine size - Displacement - Engine capacity 150.10 ccm (9.16 cubic inches)
Bore x Stroke 57.5 x 57.8 mm (2.3 x 2.3 inches)
Stock tire sizes are 100/80-16 on the front, and 120/80-16 on the rear.
Boss the timing chine of my gy6 whast jumping on the froper timing what i gana do
Anyone know anything about the engine code At80?
Engine sits on a Britech atv.
I have a 161QMK-A and I am having such a hard time learning how to fix the most Simplist things I'm sure. The exhaust came off the intake. The gasket, one stud and all the nuts are gone. I don't even know what to ask for at the auto part store. I've taken studs and nuts back 2 times already cuz they are different sizes. I think this exhaust system has been tampered with before.
My gy6 code is 1p39qma. I’m guessing it’s same as qmb. Been meaning to put the big bore kit but every thing has qmb. I’m
Gonna be so pissed if I pay money for something I can’t use. So I held off. Im gonna have to take leap of faith and hopefully all goes good
I got a maddog 150cc scooter and this is the only code I could find. fx1807‑a. Is this a real gy6? Want to get parts for it if possible.
I come across a guy that I can't find to much info well I really can't find any info about it can you tell me anything please the block # is-LY157QMG091100117
I have a 161QMK EFI Lifan Motor and there has been some debate whether this a K-Block or a B-Block engine. I am looking to bore it out to a larger CC but if its a K-Block I don't think I can.
Hi guys I'm new here I was wondering if anybody can help me I have a GY6 motor the serial number is XD z1pe50qmf-2 and if anybody can tell me what size what what make so I can get parts for it I'd appreciate it much thanks in advance
Does anybody know what the abbreviation GY6 actually means?
Does anyone know what the Numbers/Letters mean that are stamped directly BELOW the engine code? From what I’ve seen, they ALL pretty start with and end with a STAR ⭐️
example :
Mine says QMG-J....what does that mean?
Anyone who knows who is the manufacturer of the SAQ157QMJ engine and where to get parts for it?
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Call Girls in Ahmedabad: 100% Real Call Girls Available Round-the-Clock
You might be contemplating Ahmedabad call girls if you're looking for company in Ahmedabad. Even though these arrangements can lead to brief closeness, it's important to proceed cautiously and mindfully.
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